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Director, MassMessAge

Born in Paris, Young-wook (Wookie) has spent an extensive period of time living aboard while growing up.  

Before directing, Young-wook began his career at HS Ad, one of the top renown ad agencies in Korea. He started as a Copywriter  working on accounts for Nike, LG, Mercedes-Benz, and Korean Air. During that time he helped the agency garner several awards  at the Cannes Lions and New York Festivals. He also represented the Korean Creative Team during the Young Lions Competition  in Cannes back in 2002. The campaign he produced for Korean Air’s “Mongolia” campaign won the Grand Prix at the Korean  Broadcasting Advertising Awards back in 2007.  

Since working as a Director at MassMessAge, one of the top production companies in Korea, Young-wook has shot campaigns  for some of the most well known clients such as Samsung, Hyundai Genesis, LG, McDonald's, Korean Air, and Finnair. He has also  ventured into directing short films where his first short "One Shot," was officially selected and screened at the International  Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg in Germany, the San Diego Asian Film Festival in the U.S., and I Filmmaker International Film Festival  in Marbella Spain. His second short film "Seoul Tour,” won Best Short at the Roma Cinema DOC festival in Italy. His work on ‘East  and West Side Story,’ the branded content film presented by Finnair/Finavia, was selected as Ad Forum’s No.1 campaign. His  recent short film “Scent,” has officially been selected for the Silk Road International Film Festvial in Ireland, Boston Sci-Fi Film  Festival, Burbank International Film Festival, and went on to garner awards for Best Cinematography and Grand Jury Prize at  Seoul’s prestigious Chungmuro Short Film Festival.  

While still directing advertising campaigns,Young-wook is currently preparing to shoot two feature-length films back to back.


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