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Production Designer

Head Judge – Casting/Production & Styling

Emilia Dávila, from the very beginning, demonstrated an innate passion for the visual arts and cinema. Her training in scenography and cinematographic costumes at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires and later in scenography and visual arts at the InsEtuto Nacional de Artes in the same city, laid the foundaEons for her career as an expert in art direcEon & producEon desing.

Since 2010, Emilia has played the role of producEon designer in several feature films, including “The porcelain horse ", "Uio take me for a ride", "Cenizas" and "Sumergible". Her talent and skill in creaEng capEvaEng visual worlds earned her recogniEon in the Ecuadorian film industry, winning the presEgious Colibrí Ecuadorian Award for Best Art DirecEon for her work on "The porcelain horse", a film that represented Ecuador in the Oscar race in 2014 and in 2022 Best ProducEon Design with "Sumergible".

But her career does not stop there, Emilia has also le^ her mark as ProducEon Designer in several short films, music videos and more than five hundred commercials in LATAM, USA and Europe. Her ability to connect style and commercial needs in the audiovisual field from a design and visual arts perspecEve has led her to be a leading figure in the world of film and adverEsing.

For the past three years, Emilia Dávila has been living in Mexico, where she has conEnued her successful career in producEon desing. She is currently represented by the agency "9AM cinematography", based in Mexico City, which has stood out as a pioneer in Mexico and LaEn America.

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