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Owner & Executive Producer, NM Productions

Anissa Payne founded NM Productions in 2017, when she saw a gap in the market for a company that championed a more streamlined, non-traditional approach to production. This stemmed from a frustration of having to follow outdated and overcomplicated workflows, that often lost sight of goals and consequently diluted the finished product.

Starting off her career in working for a modelling agency in Hamburg, Anissa collaborated with clients such as Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, Kenzo and Balenciaga to name a few. With that experience, she soon found herself immersed in the world of production, freelancing for some of London’s most wellknown production companies,

Her proud northern roots and values run right through NM, including her no b*llshit, get things done, but have fun attitude, earning her business with household names such as Citibank, Range Rover, Bank of America, Nike, Jaguar, Vogue and Omega Watches, to name a few. Like her, her values are echoed throughout her team, to work hard, get the job done but always have fun in the process. This approach has helped her and NM Productions grow year on year, producing outstanding work spanning across stills, motion and TV for automotive, sports, celebrity and fashion brands, globally.

NM Productions

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