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Director, Mercurio Cinematografica

Mohamed El Zayat is one of the most awarded directors in the Middle East. In his body of work cats sit on pianos while being lifted in stairwells, Ludwig Van Beethoven’s biggest achievement is being recognized as a midi car horn, teenagers dangle from Louis XVI chandeliers, humans live in paintings and kitchens turn upside down.

Zayat’s work manages to mix dark and subtle humor, drama and comedy, absurdity and realism to end up with a bizarre outcome. Zayat worked as a Creative Director for both McCann World Group and BBDO before switching to directing. He is currently represented by Mercurio Cinematografica in Italy.

Born in Egypt, Zayat went to a French Catholic school and lived in over 4 countries in 3 different continents.

He is also a funk/rock/jazz musician and founder/guitarist of Egypt based band “Feel el Neel”.

Mercurio Cinematografica

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